
PYTHON_ARCOBJECTS.ZIP (22K) -- Using ArcObjects in Python

2010-08-17 - ArcMap and ArcCatalog snippets support running both inside the applications and in a standalone session.

Because VBA support in ArcGIS is ending after version 10.0, VBA ArcObjects programmers are encouraged to migrate their scripts to other languages. The comtypes package allows Python scripts to use ArcObjects. This sample code, updated for ArcGIS 10, is originally from a presentation given at the 2010 ESRI Developer Summit.

Updated Python snippets: 10.0, 10.1, 10.2

FREQUENCY.PY (4K) -- Frequency Table Script

2013-06-16 - Updated to use the arcpy.da library.

Works similar to the Frequency geoprocessing tool save that it doesn't require an ArcInfo license. (The older, 10.0 version is still available here.)

VERTEX2POINT.PY (4K) -- Convert feature vertices to points


Emulates FeatureVerticesToPoints_management with the ALL option, save that it doesn't require an ArcInfo license.

ArcMap and Python: Closing the VBA Gap (2820K) -- Using ArcObjects in Python


Presentation given at the 2012 ESRI Developer Summit. Click HERE for sample code.

Extend Python with C++ and ArcObjects (4878K) -- Using ArcObjects in Python


Presentation given at the 2012 ESRI Developer Summit. Click HERE for sample code.

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