Ah, yes -- time to work Focus! we must have focus! Let's strap those blinders on Forget what's going on around us And devote every spare moment to our own pet project Practice, practice, practice Discipline breeds excellence And as we compete in the advancement ritual Promoting a field that reeks of careerism Awareness swirls down the drainThe Circular FileAh, yes -- time to dance Nightlife! we must have nightlife! Let's strap those gonads on Neglect what's going on around us And devote every spare moment to our own pet urges Socialize, socialize, socialize Noise breeds romance And as we compete in the mating ritual Promoting a relationship that reeks of fashion Commitment swirls down the drain
Ah, yes -- time to write Vision! we must have vision! Let's strap those senses on Observe what's going on around us And devote every spare moment to our own pet inspiration Reflect, reflect, reflect Meditation breeds profundity And as we compete in the publishing ritual Promoting a literature that reeks of cliché Culture swirls down the drain
Ah, yes -- time to act Reform! we must have reform! Let's strap those guts on Protest what's going on around us And devote every spare moment to our own pet ideology Unite, unite, unite Publicity breeds attention And as we compete in the fund-raising ritual Promoting a cause that reeks of romanticism Rationality swirls down the drain
Ah, yes -- time to punt Nothing! we must have nothing! Let's strip the disguise off Expose what's going on inside us And devote every spare moment to nothing in particular Waffle, waffle, waffle Indecision breeds inactivity And as we renounce the Darwinian ritual Promoting a stasis that reeks of insecurity Survival swirls down the drain