A Statement of Personal Political Philosophy

  1. Violence is a natural part of human existence. I am a naturally violent person, and sometimes must exert considerable effort to contain violence, be it physical or verbal. All people must make this effort.
  2. It is natural to be suspicious of others. I often find myself uncomfortable with unfamiliar appearances, beliefs, and behaviors. But this is a private matter, and I must not let it cloud my judgment; I recognize that education and familiarity is the key to relief of this bigotry. All people in all situations should be judged on innate competence alone.
  3. It is natural to be greedy and untrustworthy. This is the reason governments exist in the first place. Laws and governments that fail to take that into account are false. We must all strive to educate ourselves as to the consequences of our actions, and to police ourselves accordingly.
  4. My own life is my own business. If I am not causing harm to others, I have a right to privacy and choice. Just as I must be open to other beliefs and practices, I must not allow others to dictate mine. Freedom must be one of the fundamental principles of coexistence.
  5. Murder is theft from the human race. Every human being has potential value; a corpse is only a liability. All nations should ban the death penalty, and must do their utmost to investigate and implement nonviolent approaches to internal and international problems.
  6. Unilateral action leads to perceptions of contempt. When a common regulatory body exists, and an individual or nation flouts it, suspicions and resentments arise, and society is disrupted. All nations should act through, and accede to, the United Nations and World Court.
  7. Insults are not instruments of positive change. Acts, or words, which inflame others, cannot be considered maturely as personal or international policy. Undue pressure leads to resistance and perception of hypocrisy and extortion. The best agents of change are education and positive example. All nations, regardless of their differences, should cultivate the best relationships possible.
  8. Intelligence is the currency of the Earth. Knowledge that is hoarded does not bear interest; it should be freely traded and put to work. The intelligence communities of the world should strive for greater cooperation and reduced secrecy.
  9. Negotiations cannot come to fruition with limited intelligence and tied hands. We all have to face the mirror and take our medicine sometimes. Of course we should strive for mutual satisfaction, but I tend to have more confidence in a settlement that everybody dislikes. Negotiators should have the knowledge and power to make unpleasant compromises.
  10. It is natural to be afraid to ask for help. I have a hard time asking for help when I feel I should be capable of handling a problem myself. But unsolved problems, whether personal or national, have a tendency to multiply and disrupt others. All nations should learn to recognize the need to appeal to the United Nations for intervention.
  11. As the global community becomes more tightly integrated, concepts such as nationalism are doomed to obsolescence. While separatist feelings are understandable (after all, even democracies can be tyrannies of the majority), such actions are short sighted and likely to fail. The time has come to begin to devise, on a global level, mechanisms that assure just and proper representation of all populations.
  12. The mind is a very dangerous entity. I am at times appalled by the monstrosity that lurks within my own psyche. I recognize that psychiatric treatment is unavailable to the vast majority of the world's population. Nonetheless, were I to obtain a position of great political responsibility, I would consider myself obligated to engage in a therapeutic program. All people having political responsibility should participate in a program of mental therapy.

The Circular File