Money is the color of the oil in the ground While rabid interventionism speeches abound Blindly we rally to the jingoistic sound While our ecologic values are twisted around Oil in the water and smog in the trees As we cling to our jet skis and our SUVs Such priorities drive our ideologies While our TV-driven senses are flapping in the breeze Bowing to people with pietistic skill As long as it's "religious" we say it's God's will We help them grow fat while we eat their swill And offer thanks to God when they tell us to kill Blood is the river of a culture based on hate Egotistic carnivores, we salivate The harvest of our greed is a purgatory fate If we fail to see the darkness until it's too late Murder is theft from the human race A corpse's liability is something we must face Everyone has talents that we shouldn't erase To keep a monoculture from coming into place Coercion and violence are an insult to us all Perceptions of arrogant pride before the fall Breeding resentment and fostering gall 'Til the outrage shoves us up against the wall Who really benefits from waging war? The arms manufacturers who mind the store The miners and drillers and loggers wanting more And the leaders who feast on our blood and gore So, blood-hungry war mongers, leave us alone Sow the seeds of peace, let understanding be grown Heed the voices of Nature upon this stone Or the wasteland to come will turn us into bone