This program, executable at an MS-DOS command prompt, converts a Grid or cell layer to an Idrisi image. See "grid2idr.txt" for notes. Includes code. For example:
GRID2IDR dec88c.att1 dec88c1
5/2/99: Notifies user when image has unequal row/column resolution.
This program, executable at an MS-DOS command prompt, converts an Idrisi image to a Grid. Supported data types are byte, integer, and real; and supported file types are binary and packed binary. See "idr2grid.txt" for notes. Includes code. For example:
IDR2GRID westboro westboro
Because the .LIB file for ArcView's Grid I/O API is not freely distributable, this open-source, expandable class has been created using explicit DLL links. Includes sample code for commands to copy, delete, and rename Grids.
COPYGRID, DELGRID, and RENGRID, executable at an MS-DOS command prompt, were created from the sample code included in GRIDAPP.ZIP above. For example:
COPYGRID westboro wb2