This is a work in progress. The following links are to the current documentation and source code.
Click HERE for the latest documentation.
Extensibility -- the core component and the following extensions:
Get ready to dump your Publisher extension!
This free, ready-to-use app, built using the Runtime Extensibility Framework, is an example replacement for ArcReader as a disconnected field application. It duplicates much of ArcReader's functionality, with much the same look and feel. Core features include navigation tools, Copy/Export Map, Identify, Find, Go to XY, Measure, and Highlight/Erase. Additional features include print layouts, saved user settings, map text, and GPS location.
Requires .NET 4.6.1
Click HERE for the latest documentation.
Click HERE for the source code.
Last Updated: 2018-03-07
Presentation given at ESRI DevSummit 2018. Click HERE for sample code.
Last Updated: 2017-03-03
Presentation given at ESRI DevSummit 2017. See above for sample code.
Last Updated: 2016-10-15
Presentation given at ESRI GeoConX 2016. Click HERE for sample code.